Yes. Our professional authors will create the content for your website. Our sales representatives can explain professional website content subscriptions and packages.
We’ll call or Skype you once we receive your novel-writing request. We’ll ask for your story or plot and connect you with a novel-writing expert. The writer will draft a piece for you to review and approve to ensure it matches your tone, style, structure, and goals.
Yes! Writing a fantasy story is a lot of fun because your imagination can define a better story. Writing a fantasy book is different from writing a realistic book because you can’t use real-world examples like you can in a realistic book.
Yes! After completing a novel, editing is one of the essential components for novelists. We are responsible for rereading your manuscript and making the necessary changes.
Yes! Global Book Publishers’s “No Plagiarism Policy” ensures your original content. Before delivering work to the editor, our novel book writers check for plagiarism on premium tools. On request, we can include a plagiarism report or screenshot.
Depending on the details of your project, you can hire our novelists monthly, weekly, or hourly. Once you tell us about your assignment, we’ll align you with a novel writing department to assign you a novel writer according to your industry.