Elevate Your Writing with Our Sensitivity Reading Service!

Our service delves into your written content with precision, ensuring that it uplifts and accurately represents minorities. We're not just here to enhance your work; we're also committed to safeguarding the dignity of underrepresented groups. Let us guide you in crafting narratives that are free from bias and harmful stereotypes, making your writing a beacon of inclusivity and respect for all readers.

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Explore Our Advanced Sensitivity Reading Services

In an era where diversity in literature is celebrated, authors face the challenge of representing marginalized identities authentically and sensitively. Writing about experiences outside one's own can be daunting, but it presents a thrilling opportunity in modern publishing. Enter Global Book Publishers' Sensitivity Reading Services, where our skilled readers delve into your manuscript, offering crucial insights and feedback. We help you capture the true essence of diverse identities and issues, ensuring your narrative resonates with authenticity and respect.

Catch a Glimpse of Our Celebrated Authors Making Waves in the Media


Turn Your Idea Into Reality: Self-Publish Your Books & eBooks to Publish Your Bestseller!

Ready to transform your writing? Let's dive deep into your work and have a candid conversation about areas that might need an extra touch of sensitivity. Our services offer a two-way dialogue that ensures your content resonates with a diverse audience.
While objectivity is essential in writing, our approach adds a layer of honesty, clarity, and thoughtfulness that takes your work to the next level. Ready to see your writing soar? Look no further! Contact us today to unlock your writing's potential with our unique sensitivity reading service!


Your Book


Consult our experts.

Few Best-Selling Books Sensitive Reading Done By Our Professional Sensitive Reader

Elevate Your Writing with Top-Notch Sensitivity Reading Services!

Let’s dive deep into your work and have a candid conversation about areas that might need an extra touch of sensitivity. Our services offer a two-way dialogue that ensures your content resonates with a diverse audience.
While objectivity is essential in writing, our approach adds a layer of honesty, clarity, and thoughtfulness that takes your work to the next level. Ready to transform your writing? Look no further!
Elevate Your Writing with Top-Notch Sensitivity Reading Services!

Unlock Your Writing's Potential with Our Unique Sensitivity Reading Service!

Writing can be a tightrope walk, and we all make mistakes. That’s where sensitivity readers come in. But where do you find the right ones? Can your cousin, the lawyer, genuinely understand the nuances of a book about a Black girl with Asperger’s Syndrome?
Look no further – at Global Book Publishers, we’ve got you covered! Our updated directory boasts a team of skilled sensitivity readers who not only understand the subject matter but excel at evaluating its portrayal in fiction.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to bring your work to life. Get the quote here!
Hassle Free Book Publishing Process

Tailored for Excellence

Join Us & Begin Your Journey

Embark on a meticulous process where we delve into your plot ideas and writing requirements, meticulously crafting a well-structured storyline through thorough research and outline development.

Crafting Compelling Content

Our ghostwriters expertly craft 100% original content, aligning with your chosen content strategy and reflecting your ideas, storyboard, and specifications.

Rigorous Review & Polishing

We meticulously refine your write-up, conducting critical reviews to minimize errors and ensure top-notch quality. We iterate on content drafts multiple times to guarantee your utmost satisfaction.

Professional Typesetting & Publishing

We handle the geographical aspects of your content, collaborating with skilled designers to enhance it with graphic detailing before moving on to typesetting, printing, and publishing.

Finalizing & Delivery

Once your manuscript is approved, we transfer all copyrights to you and deliver the authorized book. Additionally, we can publish your eBook in your preferred format for broader accessibility.

Here Are Some Testimonials from Our Valued Clients:

- Edith Wheeler
Global Book Publishers beautifully captured my life journey in my autobiography. Their attention to detail and storytelling skills made the collaboration a rewarding experience.
- Chris Jordon
I received clear guidance and support throughout my project with Global Book Publishers. Their team's expertise helped me navigate the publishing process smoothly.
- Jack Wilson
Global Book Publishers exceeded my expectations with their content writing services. Their writer produced high-quality blogs that significantly improved my website's SEO performance.
- Abigail Johnson
Global Book Publishers provided top-notch Spanish translation services for my book. Their professionalism and attention to detail ensured a seamless translation process.
- Steven Chase
I entrusted my SEO project to Global Book Publishers and saw remarkable results. Their marketing team's expertise boosted engagement and search engine rankings effectively.
- Charles Phillips
Global Book Publishers transformed my ideas into a compelling story. Their exceptional service and attention to detail exceeded my expectations, and I happily recommend them to others.

Our Sensitivity Reader Consultations Include:

  • Identifying categories of sensitivities and assigning a specific reader to it
  • Providing detailed and general feedback
  • Editorial suggestions to improve the manuscript
  • Additional review by a senior editor to provide insight from a publishing perspective

Connect With The Experience Sensitivity Readers

Ready to collaborate with our sensitivity readers? It’s a breeze! Share your complete manuscript or document, whether it’s a printed copy or a digital version.
Once in our hands, we’ll meticulously dissect every word, offering you a comprehensive feedback report. This report is your roadmap to success, packed with valuable insights, revision suggestions, and spotlights on tricky areas.
Let’s clear a common misconception: sensitivity reading isn’t about censorship or removing your work from shelves. It’s about elevating your storytelling. Our consultations aim to help you craft more authentic, captivating characters and narratives. Connect with us for a literary journey like no other!

Frequently Asked Questions

A sensitivity reader checks a manuscript for issues of representation and bias. A sensitive reader looks for offensive content, misrepresentation, stereotypes, discrimination, etc. They prepare a report for an author or publisher, highlighting problems and offering solutions. This improves a work’s literary quality.
You can choose an author and a website design package based on your needs right away and provide us with the necessary information to get started. After that, we’ll look over your website and industry practices. Our experts will help you develop a strategy by sharing their knowledge.
Our sensitivity reader highlights specific parts of your writing that could be improved and provides you with more tools to work on those areas. Global Book Publishers offers thoughts on the work, providing reasons why specific aspects either strengthen or weaken the identification of your character or topic (behavior, language, physical description, etc.)..
Before hiring a sensitive reader, check for grammatical problems in your manuscript. The rest is up to you; some authors have a sensitive reader review before submitting a letter, while others await their agent’s counsel.
Tell us about your manuscript or project if you want us to be a sensitivity reader and/or consultant. Please describe the service you’re interested in for a manuscript or another project synopsis, genre, and desired turnaround. We can discuss this further before committing.
As with beta readers, you may require more than one sensitivity reader. Having more than a few sensitive readers for each editing round gives the author more perspectives.